Cranwell/Barkston Heath 25th November 2022

With a good weather forecast it was a local trip down to RAF Cranwell & RAF Barston Heath with Garf Smith, we arrived at about 9:30am to find the place was busy with based Aircraft doing overshoots and touch and goes. I have posted a log compiled by Garf.

RAF Cranwell


ZM333: 45Sqn: EMB Phenom T1 c/s “Cranwell 15”

G-BYUN: UN: Grob Tutor T1 c/s “UAH404”

G-BYUW: UW: Grob Tutor T1 c/s “UAH81”

ZM314: 14: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Cranwell 91”

G-BYXC: XC: Grob Tutor T1 c/s “UAH80”

G-BYXE: XE: Grob Tutor T1 c/s “UAH82”

ZM303: 03: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Cranwell 67”

ZM318: 18: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Cranwell 79”

G-BYUW: UW: Grob Tutor T1 c/s “UAH641”

ZM303: 03: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Cranwell 512”

ZM306: 06: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Barkston 32”

ZM336: 45Sqn: EMB Phenom T1 c/s “Cranwell 33”

ZM304: 04: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Cranwell 93”

ZM333/ZM335: 45Sqn: EMB Phenom T1 c/s “Camel 1/2”

ZM312: 12: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Cranwell 99”

ZM310: 10: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Cranwell 68”

G-FTIL : Robin Regent c/s “GFTIL”


G-BYXC: XC: Grob Tutor T1 c/s “UAH404”

G-BYUN: UN: Grob Tutor T1 c/s UAH80″

ZM317: 17: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Cranwell 69”

G-BYUW: UW: Grob Tutor T1 c/s “UAH81”

ZM308: 08: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Cranwell 98”

ZM303: 03: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Cranwell 505”

ZM336: 45Sqn: EMB Phenom T1 c/s “Cranwell 40”

ZM314: 14: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Cranwell 113”

ZM306: 06: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Cranwell 91”

G-BYUN: UN: Grob Tutor T1 c/s UAH400A”

ZM312: 12: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Cranwell 94”

G-BYXC: XC: Grob Tutor T1 c/s “UAH420A”

Barkston Heath


Parked on the ASP

ZM301: 01: Grob Prefect T1 :

ZM301: 01:/ZM315:15/ZM302 Grob Prefect T1

ZM315: 15: Grob Prefect T1: Departed as Barston 47″

ZM311: 11: Grob Prefect T1: Departed as Barkston 31″

ZM313: 13: Grob Prefect T1


ZM322: 22:c/s “Barkston 24″/ZM301/ZM315/ZM302 : Grob Prefect T1 To the ASP.

ZM308: 08: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Cranwell 98” – Overshoots.

ZM305: 05: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Barkston 27” To the ASP.

ZM300: 00: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Barkston 46” To the ASP.

ZM309: 09: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Barkston 33” To the ASP.

ZM304: 04: Grob Prefect T1 c/s “Barkston **” To the ASP.

A nice day out with a good mate and the weather playing ball as well.