RAF Coningsby July 2023 updates.

All pictures are © Kevin Mape

North side – Gate Guards

XT891: 891: 41Sqn: Phantom FGR2 – Main Gate.

ZE760: 5Sqn: Tornado F3 – Main Gate.

Outside BBMF HQ

EN398: JE-J: Spitfire IX FSM (BAPC 541).

Outside 29Sqn HQ

XS897: Lightning F6 – wears XP765: A: 29Sqn.


Based Units and Aircraft.

Battle of Britain Memorial Flight– Hangar 4 -operate from the western end of the ASP.

c/s Battle, Memorial, Fighter, Hurricane, Spitfire, Lancaster, Dakota and Chippy.


DHC-1 Chipmunk T10 

WG486: E: Bristol UAS markings  “SQN LDR M Sugden” .

WK518: D: ULAS markings .

Hawker Hurricane IIc

LF363: RF-J: 303(Polish)Sqn markings.

PZ865: ZY-V: 247 Sqn Night fighter markings.

V.S Spitfire

Mark: F II a  

P7350: KL-B: 54Sqn markings.

Mark: LF Vb 

AB910: SH-F: 64Sqn markings.

MarkLF IXe

MK356: QJ-3 92Sqn markings.

Mark: LF XVIe

TE311: SZ-G: 131(Polish) Wing markings.

Mark: PR XIXe 

PM631: (Yellow primer) on overhaul in the BBMF Hangar.

PS915: 81Sqn markings- All silver -on overhaul in the BBMF Hangar

Douglas C-47 Dakota III

ZA947: UK: 233Sqn markings. (At ARCO Duxford for Overhaul).

Avro Lancaster B1

PA474: Port side 460(RAAF)Sqn AR-L “Leader”/ Starboard side 50Sqn VN-T “City of Lincoln”


29Sqn Typhoon OCU – Operate from Hangar 1, Z Shelters and the ASP.

c/s Typhoon 29-55, 88-99, 300 series, Cobra, Gunfighter, Triplex, Warlord.


Typhoon T3

ZK380: 380: 29Sqn markings.

ZK381: 381: 29Sqn markings.

ZK382: 382: 29Sqn markings.

Typhoon FGR4

ZJ913: 913: 29Sqn markings.

ZJ914: 29Sqn Display markings.

ZJ916: 916: 29Sqn markings. ( Stored in Hangar 1 )

ZJ917: 917:/WS-R: 9Sqn markings. ( Stored in Hangar 1 )

ZJ920: 920: Unmarked.

ZJ937: 937: 29Sqn markings.

ZJ946: 946: Unmarked.

ZK309: 309 : Unmarked.

ZK321: 321: Unmarked.

ZK329: 329: 29Sqn markings.

ZK331: 331: 12Sqn markings.

ZK349: 349: Unmarked.

ZK368: 368: Unmarked.

ZK424: 424: 29Sqn markings.

ZK432: 432: Unmarked f/n in 3(F)Sqn marks 26/7..

ZK437: 437 : Unmarked.


12Sqn – RAF/Qatari Emri Air Force Typhoon RAF training unit formed to integrate Qatari personnel, including pilots and ground-crew into a unit when ready to operate a fleet of 24 Typhoon aircraft that are being built on the production line at BAe Warton.

Operate from Hangar 2 and the Z Shelters.

c/s Typhoon 12,100 series: Wolf, Vandal, Deadpool, Vermin, Thalab and Rambo.


Typhoon T3

ZK383: 383: 12Sqn markings.

Typhoon FGR4

ZK311: 311: Unmarked.

ZK332 : 332 : Unmarked.

ZK340 : 340 : 12Sqn markings.

ZK341 : 341 : 12sqn markings.

ZK350: 350: Unmarked – To XI(F)Sqn.

ZK366: 366: 12Sqn markings.

ZK373: 373: Unmarked.

ZK435: 435: Unmarked.


41 TES Typhoon Test & Evaluation Sqn – Operate from Hangar 3 and the ASP.

c/s Adnam, Apollo, Rebel, Viking, Rogue & Horseman.


Typhoon T3

ZK379: 379: Unmarked.

Typhoon FGR4

ZK315: 315: 41 TES markings.

ZK335: 335: 41 TES markings.

ZK339: 339: 41 TES markings.

ZK367: 367: 41TES markings.

ZK375: 375: 41 TES markings.

ZK433: 433: 41 TES markings.


BAe Typhoon Maintenance Facility – Main Hangar


Typhoon FGR4

ZJ950: 950: Unmarked.

ZK300: 300: Unmarked – noted on the wash pan 25/7.

ZK316: 316: Unmarked.

ZK318: 318: Unmarked. *

ZK323: 323: Unmarked – f/n after repaint 25/7.

ZK325: 325: Unmarked.

ZK334: 334: Unmarked.

ZK365: 365: Unmarked.

ZK369: 369: Unmarked – noted on the wash pan 25/7.

ZK377: 377: Unmarked.

ZK427: 427: 6Sqn markings. “Sir Roderic” Badge – Noted still in 6sqn marks 26/7.

ZK431: 431: Unmarked – noted on the wash pan 25/7.

ZK436: 436: Unmarked.

ZK438: 438: 6Sqn markings f/n Unmarked 24/7.

Hangar 2

ZJ944: 944: Unmarked: (undergoing CAT.3 repairs).

ZK351 : 351 : Unmarked to 3(F)Sqn.

Hangar 3

ZK326: FB: 1(F)Sqn – stored.

BAe storage Shelter HAS 55

ZJ940: was marked DJ666 .

BAe storage Shelter HAS 56

ZJ945: Unmarked.

ZJ948: Unmarked.


South side – Hardened Aircraft Shelters and the Hush House are located within this area.

Front line Squadron XI(F)Sqn in Echo Dispersal as well as QRA & 3(F)Sqn operate from Foxtrot Dispersal.


Sierra Dispersal for visiting Aircraft & Helicopter’s to park & refuel.


Echo dispersal – 

Gate Guard – XR753: XI: Lightning F6 XI(F)Sqn special markings.

XI (F)Sqn – Front line unit – Operate from Echo Dispersal from Hardened shelters HAS 5 to HAS 11.

c/s Typhoon 11 & 60-87, Gringo, Havoc, Nitro, Razor, Pulsar and Tyrant.


Typhoon FGR4

ZK306: 306: Unmarked.

ZK319 : 319: Unmarked. XI(F)Sqn marks f/n 13/7.

ZK324: 324: 1(F)Sqn markings.

ZK327: 327: Unmarked.

ZK350: 350: Unmarked f/n 19/7.

ZK353: 353: Unmarked.

ZK357: 357: Unmarked. f/n 5/7.

ZK358: 358: Unmarked ( on QRA ).

ZK360: 360: Unmarked.

ZK363: 363: Unmarked – in full XI(F)Sqn marks by 12/7.

ZK364: 364: Unmarked.

ZK371: 371: Unmarked.


QRA – Quick Reaction Alert –

also operate from Echo dispersal from HAS 1 to HAS 4.

c/s “Rigid 11/12″

Typhoon FGR4 – Noted this month on QRA duty

ZJ949: 949: Unmarked – off QRA duty 11/7.

ZK306: 306: Unmarked – on QRA duty 18/7.

ZK311: 311: Unmarked c/s “Rigid 12” 2/7. off QRA 4/7.

ZK350: 350: Unmarked f/n 11/7. Off QRA 18/7. To XI(F)Sqn 19/7.

ZK358:358: Unmarked f/n 6/7

ZK435: 435: Unmarked c/s “Rigid 11” 2/7. Off QRA 4/7.


Foxtrot Dispersal – 

Gate Guard – XW924: G: Harrier GR3A: 3Sqn markings.

3(F)Sqn – Front line unit – Operate from Foxtrot Dispersal from Hardened shelters HAS 50 to HAS 60.

c/s Typhoon 03-28: Chaos: Nightmare: Rampage: Brutal.


Typhoon FGR4 ( Sqn on Op Shader )

ZJ949 : 949 : Unmarked off QRA 11/7.

ZK342: 342: Unmarked – Noted on the Wash pan 5/7.

ZK350: 350: Unmarked – On QRA 11/7 to XI(F)Sqn by 19/7.

ZK351: 351: Unmarked f/n 18/7. Departed to Shader 25/7.

ZK362 : 362: Unmarked.

ZK374 : 374: Unmarked – flew a 29Sqn mission 11/7.


Opening hours for July 3rd to the 7th July 2023. BST

3rd Mon  15:45 – 01:30

4th Tue 15:45 – 01:30

5th Wed 15:45 – 01:30

6th Thu 15:45 – 01:30

7th Fri – Closed.


Movements this Month have included :-

1st Sat


2nd Sun


ZK435/ZK311 c/s “Rigid 11/12” – QRA Launch.


3rd Mon Log thanks to Steve & Val.


ZK364 from HAS5 to HAS60 in Foxtrot.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 31” – To Sierra.

(All black) Typhoon FGR4 – Paint shop back to TMF.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 32” – Departed.

ZK364 from HAS60 to back to Echo.

ZJ920/ZJ914:Display c/s “Riot 01/02” – Landed.


ZK437: 437: Unmarked – from Paint shop to Hangar 1.

ZK350: 350: Unmarked -from Hangar 2 to Echo HAS5.

ZK335:41/ZK315:41 c/s “Rogue 11/12”

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 33” – To Sierra.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 34” – Departed.

Noted on the ASP

29Sqn – ZK368/ZK424:29/ZK321/ZJ946/ZJ913:29/ZK331:12/ZK329:29/ZK432/ZK309.

Z-sheds Z7 ZK380:29/Z8 ZK381:29

12Sqn – Z1 ZK332/ Z2 ZK373/ Z3 ZK383:12.

Noted in Echo

XI(F)Sqn – ZK353/ZK360/ZK371/ZK319/ZK306.

Night flying

ZK946/ZK329:29 c/s “Triplex 31/32”

ZK327 c/s “Typhoon 40”

ZK331:12/ZK424:29/ZJ913:29 c/s “Cobra 21/22/23”

ZK321/ZK381:29/ZJ920 c/s “Warlord 11/12/13”

ZK383:12/ZK373/ZK332 c/s “Wolf 11/12/13”

ZK319 c/s “Tyrant 31”

ZK371/ZK364 c/s “Havoc 11/12”

ZK353 c/s “Tyrant 32”

GAB/ZK332 c/s “Vandal 21/22”

ZK341:12/ZK373 c/s “Deadpool 31/32

“Typhoon 304”

“Warlord 41/42”

ZK349/ZK424:29 c/s “Cobra 51/52”

“Typhoon 82”

“Typhoon 81”

ZK319 c/s “Typhoon 80”

“Razor 21/22”


4th Tue


Noted North side of BMF – MK365: QJ-3.

Noted on Echo – XI(F)Sqn – ZK360/ZK353/ZK319/ZK364/ZK371/ZK306.

Noted on the ASP – 29Sqn – ZK368/ZK432/ZK331:12/ZK913:29/ZJ914: Display/ZK424:29/ZK349/ZK321.

Noted in the Z-sheds

12Sqn – Z1 ZK383:12/ Z2 ZK341:12/ Z3 ZK332/ Z4 ZK373/ Z5 ZK435.

29Sqn – Z6 ZK329:29/Z7 ZK380:29/Z8 ZK381:29.

Night flying

First wave

ZK383:12/ZK332/ZK373 c/s “Wolf 11/12/13”

ZK368/ZK381:29/ZJ920 c/s “Triplex 31/32/33”

ZK432/ZK329:29 c/s “Cobra 21/22”

ZK311: 311: Unmarked – from HAS1 to North side off QRA duty.

ZK349 c/s “Warlord 11”

ZK321 c/s “Warlord 12”

ZK319/ZK306 c/s “Razor 21/22”

ZK371/ZK364 c/s “Havoc 11/12”

Second wave

ZK332/ZK341:12 c/s “Vermin 31/32”

ZK383:12/ZK373 c/s “Vandal 21/22”

ZK424:29/ZK349/ZK368 c/s “Warlord 41/42 & Typhoon 89” combine.

ZJ920/ZK381:29/ZJ913:29 c/s “Cobra 51/52/53”

Z**** c/s “Typhoon 77”

Z****/ZK432 c/s “Triplex 61/62”

Z****/ZK364/Z****/ZK306 c/s “Havoc 31/32/33/34”


5th Wed Log thanks to Steve & Val.


G-OFLX: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145LU c/s “Felix 31” – To Sierra.

ZK342: 342: Unmarked – noted on the Wash pan.


ZK438: 438: 6Sqn marks – moved from South side to North side of TMF.

ZJ914: Display c/s “Anarchy 1” – Display.

G-OFLX: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145LU c/s “Felix 34” – Departed.

Night flying

first wave

ZJ913:29/ZK381:29/ZJ937:29 c/s “Warlord 11/12/13”

ZJ946/ZK329:29/ZJ920 c/s “Cobra 21/22/23”

ZK332/ZK380:29/ZK373 c/s “Wolf 11/12/13”

ZK321 c/s “Typhoon 205”

ZK371/ZK364 c/s “Havoc 11.12”

ZK319/ZK360 c/s “Razor 21/22”



29Sqn – ZK368/ZK349/ZK424:29/ZK432.

12Sqn – ZK341:12/ZK435.

Outside Hangar 3 – ZK335 :41.

Echo – ZK357/ZK306/ZK353.

Night flying

second wave

ZK341:12/ZK332 c/s “Vermin 31/32”

ZK383:12/ZK372 c/s “Vandal 21/22”

Z****/Z**** c/s “Warlord 31/32”

ZJ946 c/s “Typhoon 64”

ZJ913:29/Z**** c/s “Cobra 41/42”

ZK380:29/ZK381:29 c/s “Triplex 51/52”

ZK319/ZK368/ZK351 c/s “Tyrant 41/42/43”

ZK371/Z**** c/s “Havoc 31/32”


6th Thu Log thanks to Steve & Val.


G-OFLX: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145LU c/s “Felix 31” – To Sierra.

G-OFLX: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145LU c/s “Felix 32” – Departed.


first wave

ZK335:41/ZK315:41 c/s “Rogue 11/12”

G-OFLX: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145LU c/s “Felix 33” – To Sierra.

G-OFLX: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145LU c/s “Felix 34” – Departed.

ZK358:358: Unmarked – QRA radio check 17:29.

ZK432/ZK380:29/ZJ920 c/s “Cobra 21/22/23”

ZK368/ZK381:29/ZJ913:29 c/s “Warlord 11/12/13”

ZK371/ZK364 c/s “Havoc 21/22”

ZK319/ZK353 c/s “Razor 11/12”



29Sqn – ZK424:29/ZJ937:29/ZK329:29/ZJ914:Dispay/ZK349/ZJ946/ZK321 .

Hangar 1 – ZJ916:29/ZJ917:9 ( Both stored)

12Sqn – ZK341:12

Echo – ZK360/ZK357

Night flying

second wave


7th Fri

Base was Closed


8th Sat


LF363: RF-J: Hurricane IIc c/s “Hurricane 90”

PA474: VN-T/AR-L: Lancaster B1 – Engine runs.


PZ865 : ZY-V : Hurricane IIc c/s “Fighter 1”

MK356: QJ-3 : Spitfire LF IXe c/s “Fighter 2”


9th Sun


MK356: QJ-3 : Spitfire LF IXe c/s “Spitfire 96”


PA474: VN-T/AR-L: Lancaster B1 c/s “Lancaster 93”

LF363: RF-J : Hurricane IIc c/s “Hurricane 96”


Opening hours for July 10th to the 14th July 2023. BST

10th Mon  09:30 – 16:45

11th Tue   08:45 – 18:00

12th Wed 09:30 – 18:00

13th Thu 08:45 – 18:00

14th Fri – 09:45 – 14:00.


10th Mon log thanks to Steve & Val.


(All black ) Typhoon FGR4 – from the Paint shop to TMF.

ZK438: 438: 6Sqn marks – from TMF to the Paint shop.

ZK324: 324: 1(F)Sqn marks – from HAS 11 to the Wash pan.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 31” – To Sierra.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 32” – Departed.

ZK332/ZK435/ZK373/ZK341:12 c/s “Wolf 11/12/13/14”

ZK331:12/ZK381:29/ZJ946 c/s “Warlord 11/12/13”

ZJ913:29 c/s “Typhoon 108”

ZK349 c/s “Typhoon 321″ZK357:357: Unmarked – Engine runs in Echo.

ZZ418:14Sqn: Beech Shadow c/s Snake 48″ – Roller then overshoot.

MK356: QJ-3 : Spitfire LF IXe – Engine runs.


ZJ949 – QRA radio check 12:49.

MK356: QJ-3 : Spitfire LF IXe – Engine runs.

ZK424:29 c/s “Typhoon 327 “- pilot first taxy run.

ZK324: 324: 1(F)Sqn marks – from Wash pan back to HAS11 in Echo.

20-5596/20-5598 LN : 48FW : F-35A Lightning II c/s “Spike 03/04 – Overshoot.

ZK349/ZK331:12 c/s “Cobra 21/22”

ZJ946/ZJ913:29 c/s “Triplex 31/32”

ZK381:29 c/s “Typhoon 319″ZK341:12/ZK373 c/s “Vandal 31/32”



29Sqn – ZK424:29/ZJ914:Display/ZJ920/ZK329:29/ZK380:29.

12Sqn – ZK383:12

Echo – ZK357.


11th Tue Log thanks to Steve, Val & James Taylor.

The start of Exercise “Storm Warrior 23”


ZM333: 45Sqn: Phenom T1 c/s “Cranwell 15” – Overfly N to S 08:46.

ZK329:29/ZK331:12/ZK373/ZK332 c/s “Warlord 31/32/33/34”

ZK381:29 c/s “Typhoon 206”

ZK435/ZK383:12 c/s “Wolf 11/12”

ZK374 c/s “Typhoon 322” – from Foxtrot. (29Sqn mission)

ZJ913:29 c/s “Triplex 41”

ZJ946/ZK424:29/ZK349/ZK368 c/s “Cobra 31/32/33/34”

ZK360/ZK353 c/s “Havoc 13/14”

ZK357/ZK319 c/s “Havoc 11/12”

ZJ949:949: Unmarked – from HAS2 to HAS1 off QRA duty.

ZK350:350: Unmarked – from HAS1 to HAS2 on QRA duty.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 31” – To Sierra.

ZK429/ZJ947:2 c/s “Spartan 21/22” – Hot pit on the ASP.


ZK315:41 c/s “Rogue 11” from Foxtrot to Holbeach.

MK356: QJ-3 : Spitfire LF IXe Engine run.

ZK429/ZJ947:2 c/s “Spartan 21/22” – Departed.

350 – QRA radio check 12:47.

ZK374 c/s “Typhoon 316” – from Foxtrot. (29Sqn mission).

ZK383:12/ZK435 c/s “Vermin 31/32”

ZK332/ZK373 c/s “Vandal 21/22”

ZK329:29/ZK331:12/ZJ946 c/s “Warlord 11/12/13”

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 34” – Departed.

ZK360/ZK319/ZK371 c/s “Razor 21/22/23”



29Sqn – ZJ937:29/ZJ914:Display/ZJ920/ZK380:29/ZK432.

12Sqn – ZK341:12.

Echo – ZK306/ZK324:1sqn


12th Wed Log thanks to Steve & Val.


AB910: SH-F:BBMF : Spitfire LF IVb c/s “Spitfire 97” – Departed to escort the ME262 into Boscombe Down.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 31” – To Sierra.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 51” – To Munich.

ZK373/ZK332 c/s “Wolf 11/12”

ZK435/ZK341:12 c/s “Vandal 21/22”

ZK321/ZK309/ZJ946/ZK329:29 c/s “Warlord 11/12/13/14”

ZK349/ZK424:29/ZJ913:29 c/s “Cobra 21/22”

ZK357/ZK363:XI c/s “Tyrant 21/22” – 363 f/n in XI(F)Sqn full marks.

ZK360/ZK371/ZK364/ZK353 c/s “Havoc 11/12/13/14”


ZH833: 82 :QinitiQ : Merlin HM2 Crows nest c/s “Gauntlet 37” – To Sierra

ZH833: 82 : QinitiQ : Merlin HM2 Crows nest c/s “Gauntlet 37” – To Donna Nook.

ZK341:12 c/s “Wolf 41”

ZK349 c/s “Typhoon 215”

ZJ946/ZK424:29 c/s “Gunfighter 41/42”

ZK332/ZK435 c/s “Vandal 31/32”

ZK321/ZK309/ZK329:29 c/s “Triplex 31/32/33”

ZK353/ZK371 c/s “Razor 31/32”

ZH833: 82 :QinitiQ : Merlin HM2 Crows nest c/s “Gauntlet 37” – To Sierra.

ZH833: 82 : QinitiQ : Merlin HM2 Crows nest c/s “Gauntlet 37” – To Valley.

ZK364/ZK306 c/s “Razor 33/34”

ZK353/ZK363:XI c/s “Havoc 41/42”

358 – QRA radio check.



29Sqn – ZK331;12/ZK368/ZJ920/ZK381:29/ZK380:29/ZJ937:29.


13th Thu Log thanks to Steve & Val.


ZK383: 383: 12Sqn – from Hangar 2 to Echo.

LF363: RF-J: Hurricane IIc – Engine Run.

ZK331:12/ZK309/ZJ946/ZK329:29 c/s “Warlord 31/32/33/34”

ZK319:XI/ZK383:12 c/s “Razor 21/22” – To Fairford for RIAT static. ( 319 f/n in XI(F)Sqn marks.)

ZK371/ZK364/ZK357/ZK353 c/s “Havoc 11/12/13/14”

ZK306:306:Unmarked – from HAS7 in Echo to HAS1 – for QRA duty.

ZJ949: 949: Unmarked – from HAS1 to HAS7 – off QRA duty.

ZK315:41/ZK335:41 c/s “Rogue 11/12” – from Echo .

ZK350: 350: Unmarked from HAS2 to HAS4 – on QRA duty.


MK356: QJ-3 : Spitfire LF IXe c/s “Spitfire 90” – Display.

ZJ363:XI c/s “Tyrant 11” – GAB.

ZK331:12/ZK329:29/ZJ946/ZK381:29 c/s “Warlord 31/32/33/34”

ZK371/ZK364/ZK357/ZK353 c/s “Havoc 11/12/13/14”

ZK332/ZK374/ZK341:12/ZK435 c/s “Chaos 11/12/13/14 – Flypast over Hull. ( 332/341/435 12Sqn loan)

ZK424:29/ZK321/ZK368 c/s “Cobra 53/52/54”

ZJ949: 949: Unmarked – from HAS 7 to HAS 8 in Echo.

MK356: QJ-3 : Spitfire LF IXe c/s “Spitfire 92” – Display.

ZK358: 358: Unmarked – from HAS 3 to HAS2 – QRA change over.

ZJ920/ZJ914:Display c/s “Titan 01/02” to Brize Norton then Fairford.



29Sqn – ZJ913:29/ZJ937;29/ZK380:29

Echo – ZK363:XI.


14th Fri


No flying this morning.


16th Sun


PA474: VN-T/AR-L: Lancaster B1 c/s “Memorial 1”

17th Mon Log thanks to Steve & Val.


G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 31” – To Sierra.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 32” – Departed.

ZJ913:29/ZK331:12 c/s “Cobra 21/22”

ZK329:29 c/s “Typhoon 89”

ZJ920/ZJ914:Display c/s “Riot 01/02” – Return from RIAT.

ZK309/ZK424:29/ZJ946 c/s “Warlord 11/12/13”

350 – QRA radio check 10:51.


ZM337: 45Sqn: Phenom T1 c/s “Cranwell 38” – Overshoot.

ZK319:XI/ZK383:12 c/s “Razor 11/12” – Return from RIAT.

ZK424:29/ZK381:29/ZJ946 c/s “Warlord 31/32/33”

ZK309 c/s “Typhoon 327”

ZJ913:29/ZK331:12 c/s “Gunfighter 51/52”

ZK373/ZK341:12 c/s “Wolf 11/12”

ZK435 c/s “Typhoon 117”

ZJ920/ZK329:29 c/s “Cobra 41/42”

“501244” (D-IMTT) : Airbus : ME262 c/s ME262″ – To the ASP.

PS853:C : Rolls-Royce: Spitfire PR XIXe c/s “Merlin 1” – To BBMF.

413779: WD-C : Rolls-Royce c/s “Merlin 2” – To BBMF.

D-ICHG: King Air 200 : Avanti Air – To Sierra.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 33” – To Sierra.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 34” – Departed.



29Sqn – ZK368/ZK321.


18th Tue Log thanks to Steve & Val.


ZK331:12/ZK321/ZK351 c/s “Warlord 11/12/13”

ZK435/ZK383:12/ZK341:12/ZK373 c/s “Wolf 11/12/13/14”

ZJ913:29/ZK329:29 c/s “Triplex 31/32”

ZK374 c/s “Typhoon 81”

ZJ946/ZK381:29 c/s “Cobra 21/22”

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 31” – To Sierra.

ZJ947/ZK364 c/s “Razor 21/22”

ZK371/ZK357 c/s “Havoc 11/12”

ZK306: 306: Unmarked -from HAS1 to HAS4 on QRA duty.

ZK350: 350: Unmarked – from HAS4 to HAS1 off QRA duty.


AB910:SH-F/PS853:C/413779:WD-C/501244(D-IMTT) c/s “Fighter 1/2/3/4” – Flypast.

ZK335:41/ZK315:41 c/s “Punisher 11/12” – (11 GAB)

ZK371/ZK353 c/s “Havoc 21/22”

ZJ949/ZK364 c/s “Razor 21/22”

ZJ913:29/ZK381:29 c/s “Warlord 41/42”

ZJ946/ZK329:29 c/s “Cobra 51/52”

ZK321/ZK331:12/ZK374 c/s “Triplex 61/62/63”

ZK373/ZK383:12/ZK341:12/ZK435 c/s “Vandal 21/22/23/24”

WG486:E c/s “Chippy 96”

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 34” – Departed.



29Sqn – ZJ914:display/ZKK424:29/ZK368/ZJ920/ZK309/ZK380:29

41TES – ZK335:41.

ME262 – Support

D-EMZF : Cessna F172H ( marked as USAF 69-0667 ).


XI(F)Sqn – ZK319:XI


ME262 – Support

D-ICHG : Beech 200 Super King Air/G-GBSF : Beech 76 Duchess /N45RB : Cirrus SR22T.


19th Wed Log thanks to Steve & Val.


G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 31” – To Sierra.

ZK435/ZK383:12 c/s “Vermin 21/22”

ZK373/ZK341:122 c/s “Wolf 11/12”

D-IMTT : ME262 – from BBMF to the ASP.

ZJ946 c/s “Typhoon 328”

ZK424:29/ZK331:12/ZJ913:29 c/s “Cobra 21/22/23”

ZK309/ZK380:29/ZK381:29 c/s “Warlord 11/12/13”

ZK371 c/s “Typhoon 35”

ZK358/ZK319:XI c/s “Razor 11/12”

ZK364 c/s “Typhoon 45”

N45RB : Cirrus SR22T. – Departed.

G-GBSL : Beech 76 Duchess – Departed.


ZK327: 327: Unmarked – To the Wash pan.

ZK341:12/ZK373 c/s “Vandal 31/32”

ZJ946/ZK331:12 c/s “Warlord 31/32”

D-IMTT : ME262 – from the ASP to BBMF.

ZJ913:29/ZK309 c/s “Cobra 41/42”

ZK371/ZK364 c/s “Razor 21/22”

ZK424;29/ZK381:29/ZK380:29 c/s “Triplex 51/52/53”

ZK350/ZK319:XI c/s “Gringo 31/32”

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 34” – Departed.



29Sqn – ZK368/ZK329:29/ZJ914:Display/ZJ920/ZK321.

ME262 -D-IMTT.

BBMF – AB910:SH-F & PZ865:ZY-V – both Engine runs.

Echo – ZK353/ZK363:XI.


20th Thu Log thanks to Steve & Val


D-ICHG: King Air 200 – Departed.

D-IMTT: ME262 – Departed.

ZJ946/ZK321/ZK329:29/ZK424:29 c/s “Warlord 31/32/33/34”

ZJ949: 949: Unmarked – from HAS1 to HAS3 – on QRA duty.

ZK374 c/s “Typhoon 15”

ZK341:12/ZK309/ZK373/ZK332 c/s “Cobra 51/52/53/54”

ZK435 c/s “Typhoon 130”

ZK383:12 c/s “Typhoon 129”

WG486: E Bristol UAS marks : Chipmunk T10 c/s “Chippy 97”

ZJ913:29/ZK381:29 c/s “Triplex 11/12”

ZK364/ZK319:XI/ZK353/ZK363:XI c/s “Tyrant 41/42/43/44”

MK356: QJ-3 : Spitfire LF IXe c/s “Spitfire 90” –

G-OFLX: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145LU c/s “Felix 31” – To Sierra.

ZK315:41 c/s “Rogue 11” ( 2 X Dummy Paveways )

G-OFLX: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145LU c/s “Felix 32” – Departed.


ZJ920 c/s “Anarchy 1” – To Lossiemouth.

WG486: E: Bristol UAS marks : Chipmunk T10 c/s “Chippy 92”

ZK351/ZK374 c/s “Rampage 11/12”

ZK424:29/ZK309 c/s “Triplex 61/62”

ZJ946 c/s “Typhoon 326”

ZK321/ZK329:29 c/s “Cobra 41/42”

G-OFLX: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145LU c/s “Felix 33” – To Sierra.

G-OFLX: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145LU c/s “Felix 34” – Departed.

ZK363:XI/ZK364/ZK350/ZK353 c/s “Havoc 31/32/33/34”



29Sqn – ZK368/ZJ914:Display/ZJ937:29/ZK331:12/ZK380:29.


21st Fri


PZ865: ZY-V: Hurricane IIc /AB910: SH-F: Spitfire LF Vb c/s “Fighter 1/2” – Display.

ZK350/ZK319:XI/ZK360 c/s “Havoc 11/12/13”

PA474: VN-T/AR-L: Lancaster B1 c/s “Lancaster 99” – Display then to Aberdeen.


ZK327: 327: Unmarked – from Northside to Foxtrot.


PA474: VN-T/AR-L: Lancaster B1 c/s “Lancaster 99” – Retuned from Aberdeen. ( 5 Hours flying today )


ZK433:41/ZK367:41/ZK339:41 c/s “Ascot 9731/32/33” – Return from the USA.


Opening hours for July 24th to the 28th July 2023. BST

24th Mon  09:30 – 17:00

25th Tue    08:45 – 17:30

26th Wed 09:30 – 17:30

27th Thu   09:30 – 17:30

28th Fri – Families Day.


23rd Sun


PZ865: ZY-V: Hurricane IIc c/s “Hurricane 92”

MK356: QJ-3: Spitfire LF IXe c/s “Spitfire 90”


24th Mon Log thanks to Steve & Val , A big welcome to John Gabor.


ZK438: 438: Unmarked – from southside to northside of TMF ( ex 6Sqn marks)

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 31” – To Sierra.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 32” – Departed.

ZK331:12/ZK424:29 c/s “Triplex 31/32”

ZK381: 381 c/s “Typhoon 108”

ZK309 c/s “Warlord 11”

ZK432/ZK368 c/s “Cobra 21/22”

ZJ913:29 – from Hangar 1 to the BBMF ramp.

ZK373/ZK435/ZK332/ZK341:12 c/s “Wolf 11/12/13/14”

ZK329:29 c/s “Warlord 12”

ZJ914:Display – from Hangar 1 to the BBMF ramp.

ZJ937:29 c/s “Typhoon 312” – Delivery to Lossiemouth for 9Sqn.

G-GBSL : Beech 76 – to the ASP

G-ELCH : Commander 114B – to the ASP.


ZJ920 c/s “Anarchy 1” – Landed from Lossiemouth.

ZK424:29/ZK432 c/s “Cobra 41/42”

ZK331:12/ZK309 c/s “Warlord 51/52”

ZK329:29 c/s “Triplex 61”

ZK435/ZK373 c/s “Vandal 21/22”

ZK349/ZK381:29 c/s “Gunfighter 31/32”

G-XXEB : Sikorsky S76C c/s “Rainbow 1” – To the ASP to collect King Charles.

ZK321 c/s “Typhoon 62”

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 33” – To Sierra.



29Sqn – ZJ946/ZK380:29.

12Sqn – ZK383:12.


25th Tue

Log thanks to Steve & Val & John Gabor.


ZK351: 351: Unmarked c/s “Ascot 9681” – Departed South.

ZK323: 323: (TMF) f/n Painted in right hand Paint shop.

ZK300: 300: (TMF) – noted on the Wash pan/Paint shop.

ZK424:29/ZJ946/ZK332/ZK373 c/s “Warlord 31/32/33/34”

ZK309/ZK329:29/ZK331:12 c/s “Cobra 51/53/54”

ZK383:12 c/s “Typhoon 130”

ZJ913:29/ZK368 c/s “Triplex 11/12”

ZK321 c/s “Cobra 52”

ZK374 c/s “Typhoon 16”

ZK350/ZK319:XI/ZK353/ZK363:XI c/s “Tyrant 41/42/43/44”

PH-XXH : Piper PA-32-301T Turbo Saratoga – To Sierra.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 31” – To Sierra.

ZK369: 369: (TMF )- noted on the Wash pan/Paint shop.

ZK431: 431: (TMF) – noted on the Wash pan/Paint shop.


ZK306: 306: Unmarked – from HAS2 to HAS4 – QRA change over.

ZK358: 358: Unmarked – from HAS4 to HAS2 – QRA change over.

ZK374 c/s “Typhoon 07”

357 – QRA radio check 12:50.

ZJ913:29/ZK368 c/s “Gunfighter 71/72”

PH-XXH : Piper PA-32-301T Turbo Saratoga – Departed.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 34” – Departed.

ZK424:29/ZK309 c/s “Cobra 21/22”

ZJ946/ZK331:12 c/s “Warlord 41/42”

ZK341:12/ZK383:12/ZK373 c/s “Vandal 21/22/23”

ZK353/ZK363:XI/ZK360 c/s “Razor 21/22/23”

ZK315:41/ZK335:41 c/s “Apollo 11/12”

ZK319:XI c/s “Typhoon 02”

ZK559: Chinook HC6 c/s “Vortex 502” – Fuel stop on Sierra.

ZK559: Chinook HC6 c/s “Vortex 502” – Departed.

08-0050 : CV-22B Osprey – North to South overfly 16:25.



29Sqn – ZJ914:Display/ZK349/ZK380:29/ZK381:29.

Foxtrot – ZK327.


26th Wed Log thanks to Steve, Val & John Gabor.


ZK432: 432: 3(F)Sqn marks – First noted in 3(F)Sqn markings on the ASP.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 31” – To Sierra.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 32” – Departed to Lossiemouth.

ZJ913:29/ZK381:29 c/s “Cobra 21/22”

ZJ946/ZK424:29 c/s “Warlord 11/12”

ZK341:12/ZK373/ZK435 c/s “Wolf 11/12/13”

ZK329:29/ZK309 c/s “Triplex 31/32”

ZK368/ZK380:29 c/s “Gunfighter 41/42”

ZK350/ZK363:XI/ZK360/ZK319:XI c/s “Razor 11/12/13/14”

ZK353 c/s “Typhoon 44”

ZK358: 358: Unmarked – from HAS2 to HAS1 – QRA change over.


G-BYXM : XM : Tutor T1 c/s “Uniform 85” – Overshoot.

PZ865: ZY-V: Hurricane IIc /AB910: SH-F: Spitfire LF Vb c/s “Fighter 1/2” Departed.

ZJ913:29/ZK381:29 c/s “Cobra 51/52”

ZK373/ZK383:12/ZK341 c/s “Vandal 21/22/23”

ZK329:29/ZK309 c/s “Warlord 71/72”

ZK438: 438: Unmarked (TMF ) – from TMF to the APU turn shed.

ZK331:12/ZK424:29 c/s “Triplex 61/62”

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 33” – To Sierra.

ZK350/ZK319:XI c/s “Havoc 21/22”

ZK363:XI c/s “Typhoon 35”

ZK358: 358: Unmarked – from HAS1 back to HAS2.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 34” – Departed.



29Sqn – ZJ914:Display/ZK321/ZK432:3.ZK331:12.

Echo – ZK364.


27th Thu Log thanks to Steve & Val.


ZK374/ZK327 c/s “Rampage 11/12”

ZK383:12/ZK373/ZK435 c/s “Wolf 11/12/13”

ZK350/ZK364/ZK360 c/s “Havoc 11/12/13”

ZK319:XI c/s “Typhoon 35”

ZK335:41 c/s “Rebel 53”

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 31” – To Sierra.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 32” – Departed.

ZK315:41 c/s “Rebel 54”

G-BYUX : Tutor T1 c/s “UAH 88” – Overfly North to south.


ZK374/ZK327 c/s “Warlord 11/12”

PA474: VN-T/AR-L c/s “Memorial 1”

AB910: SH-F c/s “Memorial 2”

PZ865: ZY-V c/s “Fighter 1”

MK356: QJ-3 c/s “Fighter 2”

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 33” – To Sierra.

ZM330: 330 : 72Sqn: Texan T1 c/s “Anglesey 79” – To the ASP for the Static.

ZJ914:Display c/s “Anarchy 1” – Departed.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 34” – Departed.

ZK430 c/s “Ascot 9685” – To Foxtrot.

ZH892: Chinook HC6A c/s “Vortex 440” – overfly at 3500ft – 17:04



29Sqn – ZK368/ZK432:3/ZJ946/ZK329:29/ZK309/ZK331:12/ZK424:29/ZK380:29/ZJ920.

Z Sheds – Z8 ZK349 Z7 ZK381:29 12Sqn Z6 ZK341.

Echo – ZK353


28th FriFamilies Day.



ZA634(G-BUHA) : C: Slingsby Venture T2 : For Static display.

LN-DHY DH Vampire FB56 : (Itatian Air Force 6-29 Markings) : For the flying Display.

ZK018: I : 4Sqn: Hawk T2 : c/s “Victor 63” For Static display.

ZM414: 414: Airbus Atlas T1 : c/s “Flat out 36” For the Static display.

ZM164: 030: 207Sqn : Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II for flying Display c/s “Doom 11” :

133908 (G-BGOR) : North American AT-6D Havard III for the Flying display.

413779 : (G-CMDK) WD-C : P-51D Mustang : For the Flying display -( Flat rear tyre on landing).

PS863 : (G-RRGN) : V.S Spitfire PR.XIXe : For the Flying display.

425 : (G-SOAF) BAC Strikemaster Mk 82A /417: (G-RSAF) BAC Strikemaster Mk 80A for the Flying display.

XX239: RAFAT: Hawk T1A c/s “Red 10”

ZA680 : Chinook HC6 c/s “Skyhawk” : for the Flying display.

ZM511 : DHFS : Juno HT1 c/s “SYT 140”: for the Static.

G-EWIZ : Pitts S2 Special : for the Flying display.

D-ISCO : Skydive: DO-28G-92 Skyservant – picking up the Para’s.


ZP809 : 09 : Boeing Poseidon MRA1 – Flypast.

D-ISCO : Skydive: DO-28G-92 Skyservant – Army Para drop.

ZM164: 030: 207Sqn : Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II -Demo.

LN-DHY DH Vampire FB56 : Display.

PS863 : (G-RRGN) : V.S Spitfire PR.XIXe : Display.

425 : (G-SOAF) BAC Strikemaster Mk 82A / 417: (G-RSAF) BAC Strikemaster Mk 80A – Display.

Red Arrows 8 x Hawk T1 – Display.

G-EWIZ : Pitts S2 Special – Display.

133908 (G-BGOR) : North American AT-6D Havard III – Display.

MK356: QO-J:/PZ865:ZY-V/PA474 – Display.

PA474/ZJ914 – Flypasts.

ZJ914:Display marks – Display.

MK356: QO-J:/PZ865:ZY-V/PA474 – Flypast.

After Display.

PA474: AR-L/VN-T : Lancaster B1 c/s “Lancaster 99” – Departed.


29th Sat


MK356: QO-J: c/s “Spitfire 96”

PA474: VN-T/AR-L c/s “Lancaster 99” to Bray Eire – returned later due to expected high winds on Sunday.

ZJ914:Display c/s “Anarchy 1” – Departed.

Noted on the ASP

ZK018: I : 4Sqn: Hawk T2 :

ZJ920: 920: Unmarked in Z7.


30th Sun


ZJ914:Display c/s “Anarchy 1” – Departed.

Noted on the ASP

ZK018: I : 4Sqn: Hawk T2 :

ZJ920: 920: from Z7 to Hangar 1


31st Mon Log thanks to Steve ,Val & Garf Smith.


ZK360: 360: Unmarked – from HAS10 to HAS60 in Foxtrot.

ZK335: 335: 41 TES – noted on the Wash pan.

ZK018: I : 4Sqn: BAe Hawk T2 c/s “VYT 63” – Departed to Valley.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 31” – To Sierra.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 32” – Departed.

ZK358: 358: Unmarked – from HAS 2 to HAS4 – QRA change over.

ZK306: 306: Unmarked – from HAS4 to HAS1 -QRA change over.

ZK380:29 c/s “Typhoon 69” – To Lossiemouth.


ZB131: JHTS : BAe Hawk T2A c/s “Javelin 20” – to Sierra.

ZZ387: Wildcat AH1 c/s “Marine 11” – To Sierra for hot pit refuel then departed to Holbeach.

ZK360: 360: Unmarked – from HAS60 back to HAS10 in Echo.

ZK435/ZK373 c/s “Wolf 13/11”

ZJ946/ZK381:29 c/s “Cobra 11/12”

ZK332/ZK341:12 c/s “Wolf 12/14”

ZK331:12/ZK349/ZK432:3 c/s “Triplex 31/32/33” ( 432 f/f in 3(F)Sqn marks )

ZK383: 383: 12Sqn – noted on the Wash pan.

ZJ913:29/ZK321 c/s “Warlord 21/22”

ZB131: JHTS : BAe Hawk T2A c/s “Javelin 20” – Departed.

ZZ387: Wildcat AH1 c/s “Marine 11” – – To Sierra for hot pit refuel then departed to Yeovilton.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 33” – To Sierra.

G-OWTN: BAe : Embraer ERJ-145EP c/s “Felix 34” – Departed.



29Sqn – ZJ914:display/ZK329:29/ZJ920/ZK430.

41TES – ZK335:41/ZK315:41.

Echo -ZK364 – To HAS5.
